There are quite a number of pregnant women who experience frequent and even daily vomiting during this period. However, do not fret or worry as this is extremely common in most pregnant women. It might not be a pleasant experience, but it is something that you will have to pull through. Here are some tips and experiences of mothers who have been through the same scenario as you.

“When I was pregnant, I felt a burning sensation in my stomach. You can try having frequent light meals such as noodles. Try to refrain from eating sweets though. Usually after the third month, the vomiting will be reduced.” – 盖娜

“Try taking vitamin tablets for pregnant women. It does help in easing morning sickness. However, if it continues to be serious, I would recommend you to visit the hospital as early nutrition is very important to the fetus.” – angelwhj

“I had difficulties eating because my stomach felt extremely uncomfortable and mouth was very dry. Even when I was drinking water, I still felt discomfort in my stomach.” – 柘钰

“When you start feeling unwell, try eating noodles instead. It does make feel a little better.” – 成冉

“During the first 3 months of pregnancy, I vomited in darkness.” – 闲着

“In the morning when I’m brushing my teeth, I will end up vomiting. From the third month of pregnancy, my appetite returned and I started to eat more.” – 有一天

“My vomiting wasn’t that serious, but it was enough to get me choked. You can try eating plum sweets, it does help a little.” – 王慧慧

“I got myself prepared a month before my pregnancy by eating supplemental folic acid tablets. Now, I’m rather relax and do not face the symptoms.” – 香香公主

“I’m now fourteen weeks pregnant and I still do vomit occasionally. However, you still have to eat even after you vomit to prevent the body from becoming weak, which will only make you feel more miserable.” – 晓娇

“I’ve just reached my 12th week and I can’t seem to eat everyday. Whenever I do eat, I end up vomiting.” – 呵护宝宝

Approximately 3/4 of pregnant women in the first three months of pregnancy experience nausea and often, vomiting. Nausea usually starts from about the sixth week of pregnancy, but possibly as early as the fourth week. After the first month, the symptoms will be more severe. From the 14th week onward, about half of all pregnant women will no longer feel sick. Most of them usually require about a month to allow the nausea to slowly subside. However, the morning sickness can still arise occasionally throughout the entire pregnancy period.

The mild to moderate nausea and occasional vomiting generally does not affect the baby’s health. As long as there is no dehydration or improper meals, there shouldn’t be a problem. Even if you do not gain additional weight during the first 3 months, do not panic. In most cases, you should be able to quickly restore appetite, and began to gain weight after that. If nausea is causing you to not have a balance diet, you might want to consider taking vitamins to ensure that the body receives the nutrition that it needs. Long-term and severe vomiting can increase the chances of premature birth and low birth-weight children. However, a recent study found that as long as there is an increase in body weight during pregnancy, vomiting would not have adverse consequences for mothers or their child.

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