Give him/her a warm and harmonious family environment:

Apart from the mother’s emotions, the family environment often affect the character development of your baby. If there is a family dispute, the baby will naturally absorb some of the bad information. His mood and personality will also be affected by it. Hence, parents should always try to control their emotions and have a mutual understanding to avoid any head-on collisions. Expectant mothers tend to have mood swings during pregnancy due to physical discomfort or the fear of childbirth. Therefore, their partners should learn to be more patient and caring.

There are two solutions for this. Firstly, it would be best to leave as soon as possible. This will help both parties to cool down and avoid bickering. Secondly, lower down your volume. This will provide emotions from being affected during a disagreement. This will prevent the anger from escalating and prevent the baby from being affected.

Conducive things to character growth of the fetus:

Music contributes to the cultivation of a good mood for your baby and is also conducive to his mental development. It should not be too loud. The rhythm should be soothing and not too strong.

Your gentle touch helps to calm your baby’s emotions. If there is severe fetal movement, try stroking his body, focusing on the abdomen. Accompany the stroking motion with verbal communication. This process can make your baby feel happy and comfortable. When there is a sense of security, his emotions will be appease. The stroking motion should not be too heavy. If your baby reacts strongly with kicks or flips, you should stop immediately. If your baby is gently squirming, then you can proceed with the action.

Talking is a good way of communication with your child. Try telling them about your feelings or what you plan to do for the day. Although the baby might not be able to physically respond to you,  he is still able to identify your pitch and tone, which helps to determine the emotions and mood. If fathers are able to communicate more with the baby, then the baby’s mood will be happier. This is based on research, where it shows that the low voice from fathers can actually help to increase the sense of joy and security in a baby.

If you are looking for a Confinement Nanny in Singapore to take care of your well being, we will be glad to assist you! Do check out our website for more details.