Pregnant woman should understand these notes about preparation for childbirth in advance of giving birth. Only in this way can they give birth more smoothly and confinement nanny able to provide care and help after the delivery.

1. Cervical effacement
As the date of birth gradually approaches, the cervix will begin to undergo some changes, called effacement. This phase is marked by the thinning and stretching of the cervix, and the opening of the cervix will begin to slowly dilate. In the meantime, the uterus will begin to contract and will continue to increase pressure on the uterus and the cervix, which is to make the cervix open wider to permit the fetus slow passage through the cervix. After the fetus slides out of the orifice of the uterus, it will enter the birth canal. This will be a slow process. At the beginning, the cervix will be dilated only about 1-centimeter wide, and then it will not open further for a period of time. The amount of time that the cervix remains dilated at about 1 centimeter varies according to different people. During this period, the expectant mother does not need to worry too excessively. After pausing for a period of time, the cervix will begin opening again around 2 to 3 centimeter each time. It will finally get to be about 10-centimeters wide, which is just wide enough for the head of the fetus to pass through smoothly.

2. Labor pains
Besides the changes occurring to the uterus and cervix, the pregnant woman will also begin to feel labor pains. When the cervix dilates to 1-2 centimeters wide, there will be an interval of 6-7 minutes between labor pains, and pains will last for about 20 seconds at each time. When the cervix is 4-5 centimeters dilated, the interval between pains will accordingly change to about 4-5 minutes. At this time, each pain will last for about 30 seconds at a time. When the cervix is dilated to 7-10 centimeters wide, the labor pains will be more and more obvious and will last for a longer time. The interval between pains will be around 3-4 minutes and will last for about 40 seconds at each time.

3. Doctor inquiries
Doctor’s inquiries are very important during the preparation for childbirth. The doctor will run examinations when at the hospital while waiting for childbirth. The doctor will ask about the duration of the labor pains, the interval of time between the labor pains and how you feel, etc. All of this information is very important for the doctors, so you have to be very careful when answering these questions so as not to provide the wrong message.

4. Internal examinations
Internal examinations are also an important preparation measure before childbirth. During this period, the doctor will conduct gynecological examinations for you to check the dilation of the cervix and the state of the birth canal. In the meantime, the doctor will also check whether the water has broken. When the time to give birth approaches, the doctor will constantly run similar examinations in order to follow the progress of childbirth.

5. Fetal heart-rate monitoring
Fetal heart-rate monitoring is also an important preparation measure before childbirth. The doctor will attach a heart-rate monitoring device onto the expectant mother’s stomach to monitor the condition of the fetus. This helps the doctor to find out in advance any problems that may arise and to conduct the proper treatment and protective measures.

6. Enema
If there is excrement in the intestine during childbirth, it could influence the process of childbirth. For this reason, the nurse will help the expectant mother to empty the intestines before giving birth. At the same time, experts suggest the expectant mother to have more nutritional supplements during the period before so as to have enough energy to face childbirth, which can last more than ten hours. But in the several hours immediately before giving birth, eating should be avoided so as not to disrupt a successful delivery.