baby-smilingExperts offer the following six tips to encourage your baby’s development:

  1. Be encouraging. Let your baby explore new places, people, and things. Exposing your baby to new experiences and being excited with her as she learns new things will encourage growth.
  2. Be excited. Celebrate when your baby learns new skills and abilities. Be excited by the quirks and differences in your baby that make her a unique individual.
  3. Communicate. Talk to your baby regularly. Tell her what you are doing as you make a meal or fold the laundry. If she coos or babbles back, acknowledge her and let her know that she is being heard.
  4. Stay focused. Help your baby practice new skills until she has mastered them. Support her when she works to use what she knows in new environments.
  5. Provide the Right Environment. Provide an environment where your baby is safe, loved, and not subject to inappropriate disapproval.
  6. Demonstrate proper behaviour. Set limits and teach what is and is not correct. Help your baby understand the unwritten rules of behaviour by modeling them in your everyday life.

NannySOS is a confinement agency providing confinement care with a team of experienced babysitters for your child. More information on babysitting services is available in our article Singapore Babysitter.