Confinement Nanny Review SL By MickeyConfinement Nanny Review for Xiaoling:

Thank you Justin for the considerate and attentive help to find confinement nanny XiaoLing for me! XiaoLing is a very experienced and easy going nanny who helped us from day 1. She started to work right away when she arrived our house the afternoon, she takes care of my newborn, gives bath, and baby massage. Amazing part is my baby doesn’t cry that much under XiaoLing’s care, she always know how to comfort a baby! She also cooks yummy food for me, she even teaches my helper how to take care my baby girl and how to cook the confinement food (she is very kind!). Highly recommend nannysos and nanny XiaoLing, thank you so much for making my confinement easy.Confinement Nanny SL Baby Meals


Culinary Skill: Very Good.
Communication Skill: Very Good.
Baby Care Skill: Very Good.
Mummy Care Skill: Very Good.
Cleanliness: Very Good.
Friendliness: Very Good