Should I Get A Confinement Nanny?

What Is A Confinement Nanny? A confinement nanny is a person who assists a newborn’s mother with baby care so as to help the mother’s transition smoothly into the role of a new mother. They can be of great help to new mothers as well as the entire family....

Why Confinement Nanny Encourages Breastfeeding

Most confinement nannies and experts will agree that breastfeeding is the best way to feed your baby. Breastfeeding provides your baby with the most perfect form of nutrition and gives important skin to skin contact. If you are pregnant and you plan to breastfeed, you...

How To Pick The Best Pediatrician

When you learned that you are going to be parents, is one of your first tasks include finding a pediatrician? Most books we read recommended interviewing several doctors before choosing one. While the recommendation sounded like a great idea, the reality was that...

How Will Nanny Knows When My Baby Is Hungry?

The feeding cues will be the same as when he was younger. Your baby needs regular meals and snacks so don’t wait for him to be really hungry before you offer him food. This is why the nanny will always feed him when the time has reached. Parents can try and...

When Is Baby Ready For Solids?

Introducing solid foods, also known as weaning, is a really important step in your baby’s development and many parents are apprehensive about this big change. Most nanny will be most experienced with this. When you start off, try to look on it as a fun and...