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Good Sleep Equals Happier Baby

For most adults getting adequate sleep seems simple. If you need more sleep, then you either go to bed earlier or sleep later. Unlike adults, babies need help in order to get the amount of sleep they need. One of the babysitter’s jobs is to make sure your baby...

8 Keys To Lose Weight

The joys of motherhood! You have this beautiful little person whom you created… and this bulging body. Trust us, you can and will get your body back if you had a good confinement period. Here are the eight keys to getting there: Eat regularly. Ensure that you...

Baby Ear Infections

While many illnesses are fairly simple to diagnose, knowing when your baby has an ear infection is often a challenge. The signs of an ear infection are often subtle and can change depending on how severe and painful the ear infection is. Since ear infections typically...

Avoid Sugar Sweetened Foods

During their first year, babies try different tastes, textures, and colors their food and develop their likes and dislikes. Most infants are willing to try almost any food during this time. Because of this, your baby’s first year is the perfect time to introduce...

When To Eliminate Pacifier

If your baby uses a pacifier, the best time to wean him from the pacifier is before he is a year old. This can be a difficult task because many children are hooked on their pacifier. It will be much easier to break the pacifier habit at ten, eleven or twelve months...

Introduce Toothbrush, Spoons Early

Babysitter recommend introducing the toothbrush to baby once his first tooth emerged. Although not yet needed, introducing the toothbrush early promotes good dental health. In the beginning, simply let your babies hold and chew on the toothbrush. Once more of their...