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What is Ovulation?

What is Ovulation?

Ovulation is referring to the time of the month when an egg is released from ovary into the fallopian tube due to hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle. It is during this cycle that gives an opportunity for the woman to become pregnant if this egg meets with sperm...
Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy symptoms or the most early visible signs of pregnancy is when a woman who have a regular monthly menstrual cycle, start to miss her period. As every woman is different, a woman can also be pregnant without experiencing any of the early pregnancy signs and...
Postnatal Care for Mother

Postnatal Care for Mother

Postnatal care guidelines are attentive care or a set of rules for mothers to observe immediately after birth. When confinement nanny share mothers with their great postnatal advice and experience, please do not neglect them. The aims of postnatal care for mother and...
Breastmilk vs Formula

Breastmilk vs Formula

Should mothers breastfeed baby with breastmilk or ask confinement nanny to feed baby with formula milk better? Research says if baby is latching and sucking well on the breast with clear urine output and weight gain, it is not necessary to supplement with formula. A...
Breastfeeding Advantages to Mother and Baby

Breastfeeding Advantages to Mother and Baby

Breastfeeding not only has its advantages for mother and baby alone but impacts the entire community in a favourable way. Do ensure your confinement nanny is supportive and encourage breastfeeding when you engage her service. Surveys of adult women who had breastfeed...
Infant Care Singapore

Infant Care Singapore

Infant care services is much needed among working parents in Singapore especially when the child reach 2 months old or when no one is around to take care the baby. Child care centres are a popular choice as there are full day and half day care programme options for...